For this week’s #4pmWithBeavertown, grab your pens, paper and guerrilla spirit and join Beavertown at 4pm for a crafter-noon with artist Lu Williams of queer zine collective, GRRRL Zine Fair. This week – if you’re keen – it’s time to make your very own zine!
No idea what a zine is? Don’t worry, Lu will be on Beavertown’s Instagram Live teaching you what a zine is, including how to make one, how to self-publish your own work and all about DIY culture. The session will be accompanied by a freshly opened beer, of course – and there will be a Q&A session at the end for any quaran-zine related queries.
Here’s what you’ll need: paper (A4 or A3 is best); glue, tape, or anything sticky; something to draw or write with; scissors; old newspapers or magazines to cut up.
I would LOVE for you to all join me for a beer over on @BeavertownBeer Instagram Live at 4pm Friday ☺️?
✏️In 30mins I’ll be showing you easy zine making tricks, some of the Grrrl Zine Library collection & answering your self publishing questions.
Hope to see you there! ??— ✏️ Grrrl Zine Fair ?️? Arts & Self Publishing (@grrrlzinefair) April 23, 2020
Don’t forget to share your creations using the hashtag, #4pmWithBeavertown. This live event is one of Beavertown’s weekly live events, dedicated to getting social with other beer fans with a fun activity while we’re stuck at home. Head over to the Beavertown Cheers website for more details.
For keen zinesters, Lu will be launching Zine Making Kits on 24th April for those who want to carry on getting creative and feel inspired while staying safe at home. Follow @grrrlzinefair for more on that!